Shipping & Returns

What is the shipment process once I have placed my order?
Breakthrough ships through the help of a third party courier company. Once you have placed your order, you will receive a confirmation email from Breakthrough’s email address and also a confirmation call or message on the phone number you have provided. After confirmation the parcel will be given to the courier company to deliver on the provided address by the user.

How long will it take my parcel to be delivered?
After you have placed the order, Please allow 1-2 days for fulfilment and confirmation of the order. Once the confirmation is done, within 3-5 days the ordered product will be delivered on the provided address.

I have received the notification that the product is delivered to my address but i haven’t received it, what shall I do?
If you get the notification of receiving but haven’t received the parcel, please contact us through filling our contact form or call us directly on #0331-3754686

I have placed the wrong order, what shall I do? Or someone has used my details without my permission to place the order what shall I do?
If you have placed the wrong order, please inform us by writing an email on with the order number you have received or simply give us a call on #0331-3754686. But once the order is confirmed and fulfilled, we won’t be able to help you in cancelling it. Hence the order will only be fulfilled once it’s confirmed through a confirmation call.

Does Breakthrough ships worldwide?
Right now, Breakthrough only ships within Pakistan. Sooner the worldwide shipments of our products will be available too.